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国つ神・井氷鹿 Kunitsukami Ihika


posted Nov. 2019



Yatsukarewa, kunitsukami, nawa Ihika to iu

“Kojiki” Nakatsumaki/Nara Period




I am the local god and my name is Ihika.



“Kojiki” Nakatsumaki has this legend about Emperor Jinmu while he was in Ihika, Kawakami Village.

Emperor Jinmu is one of the descendants of Amaterasu Ookami. In “Kojiki” he is referred as ‘Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto’. It means a male person in the sacred Iware in Yamato. Iware is said to be the name for Sakurai City and its vicinity.

井氷鹿周辺 Landscape of Ihika



Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto, along with his older brother Itsuseno Mikoto, headed east from Takachiho in Hyuga looking for a suitable land to rule the nation.They crossed the Seto Inland Sea to Kumano and then to Yoshino, guided by Yaatakarasu, a sacred raven commonly known as Yatagarasu, which Takagino Ookami sent for them.

One by one local gods appeared and promised their loyalty to Emperor Jinmu. Ihika was one of them.


O oitaruhito, iyori idekitari. Sonoini hikari ari. Shikakushite, toishiku, ‘Nanjiwa, tarezo’ to toishini, kotaete moushishiku, ‘Yatsukarewa, kunitsukami, nawa Ihika toiu’ (korewa, yoshinono obitoraga oyazo) to moushiki.

“Kojiki” Nakatsumaki/Nara Period





Ihika is described here as ‘o oitaruhito ’, meaning he has a tale. He came out from a well and the well was emitting light.

Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto said to the man, ‘Who are you?’. He replied, ‘I am the local god and my name is Ihika’. Ihika was an ancestor for all heads in the Yoshino region.



After this event, Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto completed his expedition to Yoshino peacefully.

Ihika, appeared out of the bright well and welcomed Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Miko with due allegiance, looked very calm. It was as if he could foresee Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Miko’s success as Emperor Jinmu who managed to win respect from the local gods including himself.

八咫烏 © deko/pixta retouched with permission Yatagarasu © deko/pixta retouched with permission



井氷鹿の井戸 Ihika’s Well



The readers may wonder where the place is that Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto met Ihika.

“Kojiki” describes that he came out of a ‘well’. The well here is not a modern dug well. It is like a basin where pieces of wood and stones were used to surround a water fountain.

井氷鹿の井戸跡入口 entrance ihika Ido



In the Ihika region in Kawakami Village the writer went to find the spot designated as ‘the remain of Ihika’s Well’. Deep into the mountain from the signboard ‘Ihika’s Well’ is written on, the writer found a sunken circle about 50m diameter and 10m depth in its center. An enormous rock stands magnificently in the circle as if it has been standing there for ages.

In this quiet forest, Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto was said to have met Ihika and two stone monuments standing there prove the legend. One reads, ‘Remain of Emperor Jinmu’s Shining Well’ and the other ‘Tomb for Yoshino Head Kanehikani’, both erected in 1900.

その井に光あり The Well Shows Light


As “Kojiki” has it that the well Ihika stepped out of ‘is emitting light’.


The light in the olden times broadly means ‘something sacred’ as in ‘Kaguyahime’ in “Taketori Monogatari” or ‘Hikarunokimi’ in “Genji Monogatari”.

The light in Shinwa, mythology, is also based on the religious belief in Sun God as found in the case of Amaterasu in ‘Amano Iwayado’.

井氷鹿の井戸跡 The remain of Ihika’s Well



The expression ‘there is light in the well’ supposes that the spot is sacred. There is also an interpretation on the power of light that it ‘revives the solemnity of imperial succession at all times.’ To the writer these point to the suitability of Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto as an emperor.

As for ‘o oitaru hito’, there is another interpretation that he is a hunter or a logger with a fur to protect himself from getting wet or soiled.

Interpreting it modern way and imagining a man with a tale and coming out of a well, he somehow gives a cute image of ‘yuru chara (a mascot)’ and makes us smile.

紀の川じるし Kinokawa Jirushi



“Kojiki” introduces other gods that Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto came across.

First, the god he encountered when he arrived the downstream of the River Yoshino guided by Yaatakarasu. The encounter took place before he met Ihika.


Ueo tsukurite uoo toreruhito ari. Shikakushite, Amatsukamimikono toishiku, ‘Nanjiwa tarezo’ to toishini, kotaete moushishiku, ‘Yatsukarewa kunitsukami, nawa Niemotsunoko toiu (korewa adano ukaiga oyazo).

“Kojiki” Nakatsumaki/Nara Period




There was a man catching fish with ue, a trap. Amatsukamimiko Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “I am Kunitsukami. My name is Niemotsunoko”. This is the ancestor of Ada’s U-catchers.

神武天皇石碑 Remain of Emperor Jinmu’s Shining Well



Ada is identified in “Manyoshu” as the area in Ada, Gojyo City, Nara Prefecture.

Second, another god with a tale. Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto met him after parting from Ihika.


Konohito, iwaoo oshiwakete idekitari. Shikakushite, toishiku, ‘Nanjiwa tarezo’ to toishini, kotaete moushishiku, ‘Yatsukarewa kunitsukami, nawa Iwaoshiwakunoko toiu. Ima, Amatsukamimiko idemashinuto kikitsuruga yueni, maimukaetarakunomi (korewa yoshinono kunisuga oyazo)’ tomoushiki.

“Kojiki” Nakatsumaki/Nara Period




This man came out splitting the rock on his way. Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto said to him, “Who are you?”. He replied, “I am Kunitsukami, named Iwaoshiwakunoko”. I’ve come to welcome you for I heard of your arrival. (This is the ancestor of Yoshino’s tribe Kunisu).


Kunisu is identified as an eastern part of Yoshino in Nara Prefecture.


*Click the marker on the map to display the place name.


In these days, the areas are all located along the rivers Yoshino and Kinokawa. “Kojiki” has it that Kamuyamatoiwarebikono Mikoto was recognized as worthy for an emperor by the local gods.


Currently the towns in these areas are hand in hand with one another under the banner ‘Kinokawa Jirushi’. It is the title for all kinds of activities held to connect industries in Kinokawa’s forests, lands and the sea.

Yaatakarasu is now known in the name ‘Yaatakarasu Cider’ and you can find them at a shop in Hotel Suginoyu or at Roadside Station Suginoyu Kawakami.

*1 : 『古事記』本文は、『新編日本古典文学全集 古事記』(山口佳紀・神野志隆光翻訳、小学館、1997年)に拠る。ただし、私に表記を改めた箇所がある。

*2 : 八咫烏 © deko/pixta retouched with permission

* : Yatagarasu © deko/pixta retouched with permission

*3 : 『日本大百科全書』Japan Knowledge版「井戸」の項目参照。

*4 : 辻井英夫氏(2014)『吉野・川上の古代史 神武天皇が即位前七年駐在した村』奈良新聞社

*5 : 本居宣長は『古事記伝』において「井氷鹿の井戸」について、「今の上市飯貝などいふあたりより末ならでは」とし、吉野町飯貝に比定する。『古事記伝』巻第十八・六十四丁オ、国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション『古事記伝』参照。また、「井氷鹿の井戸」を吉野町善福寺に比定する説もある。

*6 : 小嶋菜温子氏(1995)『かぐや姫幻想―皇権と禁忌―』森話社、小嶋菜温子氏(1995)『源氏物語批評』有精堂出版、河添房江(1992)『源氏物語の喩と王権』有精堂出版、に詳細な御研究がある。本文中では、「光=聖なるもの」と広く解釈したが、上記先行研究では、光が有する「荒ぶる光。聖にして暴威」(小嶋菜温子氏)という両義的な本性が分析されており、『古事記』でも「光=聖なるもの」と短絡的に結びつけることには注意しなければならない。また、河添房江氏は、『源氏物語』の光の喩が『竹取物語』の光と必ずしも一直線に繋がっていかない部分を含むことを指摘されており、『古事記』における光の表現についても、本来は『竹取』『源氏』と同一に考えてはならない点に注意する必要がある。

*7 : 兼岡理恵氏(2014)「日の神としてのアマテラス」、鈴木健一氏編『天空の文学史 太陽・月・星』三弥井書店

*8 : 河添房江氏(1992)「光る君の命名伝承をめぐって」『源氏物語の喩と王権』有精堂出版、146頁

*9 : 和田萃氏(2004)「古代史からみた霊地 吉野」、前薗実知雄・松田真一『吉野 仙境の歴史』、文英堂

*10 : 紀の川は、奈良県川上村の源流の森に発し、和歌山県北部を西流して、和歌山市で紀伊水道に注ぐ川。上流(奈良県)は吉野川、下流(和歌山県)は紀の川と呼ばれる。

*11 : 「紀の川じるし」については、下記サイトを参照。なお、公益財団法人・吉野川紀の川源流物語(奈良県川上村)「紀の川じるし」の取り組みは、2016年・環境省「第4回グッドライフアワード」にて、環境大臣賞グッドライフ特別賞を受賞した。奈良県川上村役場ホームページ 環境省「グッドライフアワード」レポート

*12 : じゃばら本舗「じゃばらサイダー」(2019年10月7日時点で販売を確認)。「湯盛温泉ホテル杉の湯」インターネット最終確認日:2019年10月12日)、 「杉の湯川上」(道の駅)(インターネット最終確認日:2019年10月12日)

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